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Scratch Space: Weeping Mary

Thursday, Oct 08, 2020 12:00PM - Thursday, Sep 23, 2021 1:00PM
Scratch Space
Virtual Conversations on the Role of the Radical Imaginary
In this series of virtual conversations, we bring together visual artists, scholars, composers, activists, writers, and others to explore what kinds of radical imaginaries can unfold in this moment of pandemic, racial reckoning, economic uncertainty, civil unrest, and environmental crisis. How do we think about what is possible? How can we use our imaginations to build a better present/future? How can we attend to the past in service of the future? And how can we retool and build better more equitable models for living and working together?
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Thursday, Oct 22, 2020 12:00PM


General Admission


Episode 7: Weeping Mary


Moving image artist Lisa Crafts, composer and performer Matt Petty, and playwright Alva Rogers discuss collaborating on Weeping Mary. This experimental video includes music composed by Petty after meeting descendants of former slaves who established a "freedom colony" in Weeping Mary, Texas. Craft, Petty, and Rogers will talk about their current work and their decision to release Weeping Mary on Juneteenth to honor George Floyd and the anti-racism movement that followed his death.


Hosted by: Donna Conwell, Curator, Lucas Artists Residency Program and Kelly Sicat, Director, Lucas Artists Residency Program.

We're sorry! Tickets are not currently available online for this event. Please contact our box office at 408-961-5858, Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm for additional information.

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